Day 7/7

The struggle was real. Not only was there at lot more to do in terms of tying up loose ends and make things work together, there was also the issue of the missing sound effects and music.

All of this could've been time consuming enough, but I didn't count on issues with the delivery of the actual game. While it worked fine for me on localhost (HTML5-based project), graphical aspects of the game would break when uploaded here on itch.

Sadly I was only left with the option of using the outdated version of NW.js Construct 2 provides and make the game a downloadable executable. Which also brings the fun side effect that performace, while fairly pleasing in Chrome, takes a huge nosedive. Remember this is running a canvas of Construct 2 on top of Babylon.js. 

At least I can say I gave this plugin of mine a proper practical test. 

Unfortunately I didn't have any real time left to playtest, but it is what it is (until the next update). But it's playable and beatable and I'm oddly pleased with the sort of mystery the game represents. If you know what you're doing you can "win" in a few moments.

After all this is the very first 3D game I ever made. It may be super short and was made in seven days... I honestly don't know where I'm going with this. 

Try Sirinite and be intrigued, hopefully.

Get Sirinite